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Typical services include Kabbalat Shabbat (psalms sung in Hebrew), a D’var Torah (sermon) in English from Rabbi Barton,  and traditional evening prayers in Hebrew.

Of course, not every Friday night is typical. We also have special events, including Mishpacha (Family) Shabbat for kids featuring storytelling with Rabbi Barton, and Acoustic Shabbat, a musical celebration featuring a number of talented local musicians. Visit our calendar to find out what’s happening this Friday.

Services on Friday night are typically about an hour long.

Saturday mornings typically start with morning prayers. This is a time to connect with God and yourself. There are also a number of programs on Saturday mornings throughout the month, including Tot Shabbat for the youngest members of our congregation, and a contemplative service which includes both English readings and Hebrew chanting. Visit our calendar for details.

The most significant part of the morning service is the Torah service, during which a portion of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is chanted out loud to the congregation. Morning services are conducted almost entirely in Hebrew, although there is sermon in English given by Rabbi Barton.

Saturday morning services are approximately two hours long.

On Friday nights, most congregants come straight from work, so dress varies from business casual to jeans.

On Saturdays, dress is typically business casual.

During Tuesday morning minyan, most attendees wear what they will be wearing to work that day.

At all services, we ask men to cover their heads with a kippah (yarmulke). Don’t have one? Don’t worry. We provide them.