Looking to Spice Up Your Seder with Games for Kids and New Judaica? Check out the Louis and Marilyn Hurwitz Women’s League Gift Shop! Call the Synagogue to Make an Appointment to Shop!
Ames Congregants – Passover food is available at the Wheatsfield Co-Op in Ames. They currently don’t have a huge selection but the more people that frequent the Co-op and purchase the items, the more their selection may grow in the future.



Looking to Add Something to Your Passover Seder?




  • Connect the Jewish experience of flight from persecution toward safety to the journeys of today’s refugees and asylum seekers with HIAS’ Seder Plate resource, Haggadah, and video.
    HIAS Passover Resources


  • Don’t want to Host Your Own Seder on Zoom, but Want to Follow Along with One Online? Here is “A Seder Made to Order” from the Rabbinical Assembly that you can pause and play as you desire on the Seder Night.
    Click Here for the RA’s “Seder Made to Order”



  • At the Second Night Seder We Begin Counting the Omer-the 49 Days That Lead Up To Shavuot. For Many Jews this is a time of self-reflection and character building. Masorti Judaism UK (the Conservative Movement branch in the United Kingdom) is offering this beautiful Omer Counter for 5781 edited by Rabbis Adam Zagoria-Moffett(a classmate of Rabbi Barton’s) and Zahavit Shalev.
    Click Here for Masorti Judaism UK Omer Counter 5781



Fast of the First-Born
It is a widespread custom that the first born fast on the day before Pesach. This commemorates the divine protection of the Israelite firstborn during the final plague in Egypt. However, it is also prohibited to fast during the month of Nisan. There is a standard solution to this paradox: a siyum, a public completion of study of a tractate of the Talmud. After this, first born participants may eat a meal in celebration of the event, and having eaten, a first born need not fast the remainder of day.
Since you cannot fast on Friday before Shabbat, the Fast of the First-Born will be on Thursday, March 25.
Register here for the RA’s East Coast Pre-Pesach Siyum from 8:00-9:00 AM ET led by Rabbi Mordy Schwartz.
Register here for the RA’s West Coast Pre-Pesach Siyum from 7:30-9:00 AM PT led by Rabbi Adam Kligfeld (starts with Shaharit; siyum begins around 8:15).
This event is co-sponsored by: Rabbinical Assembly, USCJ, AJU, JTS, and Ramah Camping Movement.
Rabbi Barton will lead the congregation in a “Zoom Sedar” on the second night of Passover, Sunday March 28 at 6 pm
Please RSVP by calling the synagogue or click the link below. Some supplementary material may be sent to you prior to the event.

Please support those in need here in our community.

Click on the images below to participate in the virtual food drives from DMARC and the Food Bank of Iowa

Thank you for visiting and utilizing our digital Passover resources this year. Please consider a gift to Tifereth Israel Synagogue.  Click the “Donate” button to support our synagogue.