At Tifereth, our caring community is with you throughout every stage of life. From generation to generation, we perpetuate Jewish values and a deep love of Israel. We maintain our rich history and roots while innovating our approaches to remain relevant and meaningful in our modern day. The Tifereth Israel Synagogue Foundation is our promise for a Jewish future in Des Moines. Your bequest or planned gift permanently endows the congregation to secure its well-being for this and future generations. It is a wise investment and an expression of confidence in our thriving congregation. It is your chance to thoughtfully determine your legacy and how it lives on. Honor our past and ensure our future with your enduring Jewish legacy.
Tifereth Foundation
While the Synagogue operates under an annual budget of its own, the Foundation reserve assists in addressing future programming and events as well as creating a monetary buffer for any unforeseen circumstances. Prior gifts to the Foundation have endowed a significant portion of the Rabbi’s annual salary. In addition, endowments are currently funding the Shabbat Café and expanding new programing. The Foundation also was able to help when funds were needed to assist in the renovation of the synagogue as part of the Tifereth Today & Tomorrow campaign.
Supporting the Foundation can come in many forms. Legacy gifts of all sizes are greatly appreciated and will directly help maintain Tifereth’s financial strength. Below are just a few ways in which you can help support the Foundation today.

For more information on how to create a legacy gift in your name, contact the Synagogue office and a Foundation representative will be in touch with you. For assistance in charitable gift planning, always engage the services of qualified financial and legal professionals.
Tifereth Israel Synagogue Foundation
924 Polk Boulevard, Des Moines, IA 50312
Telephone : 515-255-1137